Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PDroid (1.32) patch for Android Jelly Bean (AOSP 4.1.1)

Hi Guys, I ported the PDroid ICS patch to apply against AOSP Jelly Bean source. Here is the GitHub repository hosting the patch. I built Jelly Bean with the patch for Motorola Xoom (wingray) and Nexus S (crespo). Everything seems to work! You'll find the build instructions for Ubuntu on GitHub. Cheers!


PDroid with Android Jelly Bean on Motorola Xoom Tablet (wingray)

Monday, August 6, 2012

AntiTaintDroid (a.k.a. ScrubDroid)- Escaping Taint Analysis (and stealing private information) on Android for Fun and Profit

UPDATE:  source code published on Github [2, 5]
Good news Everyone! I wrote an app that bypasses TaintDroid's [1] privacy monitoring features (Taint analysis) in more than a few ways. I will share the app on my GitHub [2] account very soon. Currently the app is capable of collecting private information such as Android device ID, Google account ID, network ID, IMEI etc. and send it to a pre-configured server (of course without raising any TaintDroid alert). If anyone is interested while I fine-tune my app (add support for reconfigurable server among other small things), please drop me a line in the comments. I would be happy to share how and what I have done.

To know more about how TaintDroid and Taint analysis works, please read their publications here [2]. If you Google for TaintDroid, you will also find a fair amount of information on what it is and how it works. Thanks for reading my Blog. I will update this post as soon as the next bit is ready.
