After my migration from default Ubuntu with Unity and Gnome3 to Lubuntu with LXDE and OpenBox, I realized I have managed to sacrifice beautiful LightDM, the new default login manager on 11.10 and instead, running not so pretty LXDM.
After realizing that LightDM is missing the first thing to do was obviously:
sudo apt-get install lightdm
Followed by:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
sudo service lxde stop
sudo service lightdm start
Not much to my surprise on 11.10, LightDM didn't start. After a little digging through the log files located at
/var/log/lightdm, I came across the following:
"lightdm can not write to /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority"
Time to check
/var/lib/lightdm directory:
[11:13:26] user@machine:[/var/lib/lightdm]$ sudo ls -alh
total 44K
drwxr-x--- 9 109 130 4.0K 2011-10-14 20:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 74 root root 4.0K 2011-10-17 16:56 ..
drwx------ 4 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 15:28 .cache
drwx------ 4 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 15:28 .config
drwx------ 3 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 15:28 .dbus
-rw------- 1 119 136 16 2011-10-14 15:32 .esd_auth
drwx------ 2 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 18:29 .gconf
-rw------- 1 119 136 0 2011-10-14 19:55 .goutputstream-54JJ3V
drwx------ 2 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 15:28 .gvfs
drwxrwxr-x 3 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 15:32 .local
drwx------ 2 119 136 4.0K 2011-10-14 16:22 .pulse
-rw------- 1 119 136 256 2011-10-14 15:32 .pulse-cookie
-rw------- 1 119 136 0 2011-10-14 20:08 .Xauthority
After checking
/etc/passwd and
/etc/group, it confirmed that somehow user-id 119 and groupd-id 136 has gone missing from my system. So, as a quick roll-back, I did the following:
sudo apt-get remove --purge lightdm
sudo mv /var/lib/lightdm /var/lib/lightdm.bak
sudo apt-get install lightdm
sudo service lxdm stop
sudo apt-get remove --purge lxdm
sudo service lightdm start
Voila, LightDM showed up with a nice log-in prompt. Re-installing LightDM, added a new user and group with ids 109 and 130 respectively. Also, the
ls output in
/var/lib/lightdm looks correct.
[11:33:08] user@machine:[/var/log/lightdm]$ sudo ls -al /var/lib/lightdm/
total 44
drwxr-x--- 9 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:14 .
drwxr-xr-x 74 root root 4096 2011-10-18 11:15 ..
drwx------ 4 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:14 .cache
drwx------ 3 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:14 .config
drwx------ 3 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:14 .dbus
-rw------- 1 lightdm lightdm 16 2011-10-18 11:14 .esd_auth
drwx------ 5 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:15 .gconf
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? .gvfs
drwxrwxr-x 3 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:14 .local
drwx------ 2 lightdm lightdm 4096 2011-10-18 11:14 .pulse
-rw------- 1 lightdm lightdm 256 2011-10-18 11:14 .pulse-cookie
-rw------- 1 lightdm lightdm 49 2011-10-18 11:14 .Xauthority
Edit (20 Jan 2012):
I stumbled into another problem with LightDM after uninstalling
gnome-settings-daemon. It looks like the background file to set for LightDM is requested through gnome-settings-daemon for some reason on my system. So, if you have the same problem, a quick
apt-get install gnome-settings-daemon will solve the problem.