- convert input image to grayscale using imagemagik
convert input.png -colorspace Gray output.tif
- decode with tesseract
tesseract output.tif result; cat result.txt
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Decode captcha in bash
Bash wordlist/dictionary generator for brute-forcing
This example code will generate passwords of 4 characters only. To generate bigger passwords, there has to be more loops (pretty obvious in the code below). Happy Brute-forcing !!
1 #!/bin/bash
3 list=`echo {0..9} {a..z} {A..Z}`
5 for c1 in $list
6 do
7 for c2 in $list
8 do
9 for c3 in $list
10 do
11 for c4 in $list
12 do
13 echo $c1$c2$c3$c4
14 done
15 done
16 done
17 done
Friday, February 19, 2010
Cutting MKV files with 'mkvmerge'
mkvmerge --split timecodes:00:28:00,00:34:42 'input.mkv' -o 'output.mkv'
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Getting Broadcom CrystalHD into AppleTV [[ A 2 Z ;-) ]]
If you don't happen to know much about "crystalHD" yet, you will find the gist of the story here: http://xbmc.org/davilla/2009/12/29/broadcom-crystal-hd-its-magic/. In short, it's a mini pci-e card which lets you decode "H264" in hardware.
Can't wait to see the proper driver and XBMC version which will leave everyone with the possibility to have a kick-ass media center for the living room:
Which card to buy: BCM970012 or BCM970015 ?
Answer: BCM970015.
Why: http://www.logicsupply.com/blog/2010/08/09/next-gen-broadcom-hardware-decoder-one-chip-many-advantages/
cd Downloads
wget http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/osx/latest.dmg
or, curl http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/osx/latest.dmg
sudo hdutil mount latest.dmg
cp -r /Volumes/XBMC/XBMC.app /Users/frontrow/Applications/
sudo reboot
(automatic process)
Installing XBMC and CrystalHD drivers by "Launcher":
Checking Crystal-HD:
CrystalHD-UBUNTU:This is a live ubuntu with crystalHD driver and xbmc, bootable from USB stick.
There is a very nicely written wiki located here:
Related Threads on XBMC Forum:
Can't wait to see the proper driver and XBMC version which will leave everyone with the possibility to have a kick-ass media center for the living room:
Which card to buy: BCM970012 or BCM970015 ?
Answer: BCM970015.
Why: http://www.logicsupply.com/blog/2010/08/09/next-gen-broadcom-hardware-decoder-one-chip-many-advantages/
- Installing hardware
http://patchstick.wikispaces.com/Broadcom+Installation - Installing driver
http://todayguesswhat.blogspot.com/2010/01/thanks-davilla-and-xbmc-team-apple-tv.html - Installing XBMC
(manual process)
replace "latest.dmg" with the version you want. You can get a list of version on this website: http://mirrors.xbmc.org/
cd Downloads
wget http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/osx/latest.dmg
or, curl http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/osx/latest.dmg
sudo hdutil mount latest.dmg
cp -r /Volumes/XBMC/XBMC.app /Users/frontrow/Applications/
sudo reboot
(automatic process)
Installing XBMC and CrystalHD drivers by "Launcher":
- defaults write com.teamxbmc.xbmclauncher XBMCAdditionalDownloadPlistURLs -array-add http://mirrors.xbmc.org/nightlies/osx/update_urls.plist
- defaults write com.teamxbmc.xbmclauncher XBMCAdditionalDownloadPlistURLs -array-add http://crystalhd.sartori.at/files/crystalhd.plist
- defaults write com.teamxbmc.xbmclauncher XBMCAdditionalDownloadPlistURLs -array-add http://www.sshcs.com/xbmc/Info.asp
Checking Crystal-HD:
- grep -i crystal /Users/frontrow/Library/Logs/xbmc.log
- dmesg | grep -i crystal
- xbmc.log: /Users/frontorw/Library/Logs/xbmc.log
- Console log: /Library/Logs/Console/501/console.log
- Crashreporter log: /Users/frontrow/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/CrashReporter.log
CrystalHD-UBUNTU:This is a live ubuntu with crystalHD driver and xbmc, bootable from USB stick.
- Source: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=74992
- Download:
There is a very nicely written wiki located here:
Related Threads on XBMC Forum:
- http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?t=81209
atv(osx) has a quirk that limits display to 720p, it's been discussed about a million times and here's a trac ticket for it.
atv(linux) has no such limit, xorg controls display resolutions that are available.
Team-XBMC Developer
2010-09-20, 10:21
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Debian/Ubuntu: highlight and publish source codes
The tool is called - "highlight"
apt-get install highlightPerfect for publishing, integrating source-codes in tex and on websites. I like the following for my codes:
man highlight
highlight --pretty-symbols --inline-css -I -l _FILE_NAME_ --style $ide -V > tmp; firefox tmp &In firefox, one can do "View Page Source" and copy&paste.
Automate downloading from hotfile.com
1 #!/bin/bash
3 RED='\e[1;31m'
4 CYAN='\e[1;36m'
5 NC='\e[0m' # No Color
7 if [ -z "$1" ]
8 then
9 echo
10 echo -e "${RED}[+] usage: ${CYAN}`basename $0` http://hotfile.com/...
11 /filename.rar.html${NC}"
12 echo
13 exit
14 fi
16 url="$1"
18 echo
19 echo -e "[+] Input URL : ${RED}$url${NC}"
21 tm_='1245072880'
22 tmhash_='e5b845119f0055c5d8554ee5f2ffc7b2d5ef86d7'
23 wait_='30'
24 waithash_='3bf07c5d83f2e652ff22eeaee00a6f08d4d2409a'
25 action_='capt'
27 line_with_url='http://hotfile.com/get/'
29 url2=`wget -q "$url" --post-data "tm=${tm_}&tmhash=${tmhash_}&wait=${wait_}
30 &waithash=${waithash_}&action=${action_}" -O - | grep "$line_with_url" |
31 sed -s 's/.*<a href="\([^"]*\)".*$/\1/g'`
33 echo -e "[+] Real URL : ${RED}$url2 ${NC}"
34 echo
36 if [ ! -z "$url2" ]
37 then
38 wget "$url2"
39 fi
Debian/Ubuntu: stopping a package from upgrade
- Find package name
dpkg -l | grep "partial-name"
- Set package to hold
echo "full-package-name hold" | dpkg --set-selections
- Set package to un-hold
echo "full-package-name install" | dpkg --set-selections
Blog Archive
- Decode captcha in bash
- Bash wordlist/dictionary generator for brute-forcing
- Cutting MKV files with 'mkvmerge'
- Ubuntu/Debian :: watching trailers from Apple
- Getting Broadcom CrystalHD into AppleTV [[ A 2 Z ;...
- Debian/Ubuntu: highlight and publish source codes
- Automate downloading from hotfile.com
- Debian/Ubuntu: stopping a package from upgrade
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